
Our website aims to provide up to date information about the school for pupils, parents and the wider public. I hope you will enjoy using it to find out about the school.

Aboyne Academy is a full six-year comprehensive school that provides secondary school education for the communities of mid and upper Deeside. The school offers a broad range of subjects and courses for pupils of all abilities. On average 690 pupils attend the school each year.

The school prides itself on having a welcoming and friendly atmosphere which blends with our inclusive and supportive ethos to create a strong community spirit. Each individual is valued, supported and encouraged to achieve success and to make the most of their potential. A tradition of open and genuine partnership with parents, and with our local primary schools, is a vital ingredient in the effectiveness and success of the school.

The school campus is located on a pleasant wooded site and the buildings incorporate many excellent facilities, such as a fully equipped theatre, swimming pool, and library, which are shared with the local community.

Whether you are one of our pupils or parents or someone who wishes to find out more about the school I do hope that you will find our website to be informative and helpful. Should you wish to visit the school or have any queries or questions then please contact the school and we will be very pleased to help.