Aboyne Academy Aims, Values and Leaver Profile

Our School Aims are:
  • To have a continuous focus on our school values and strive to make our school a welcoming place for everyone
  • For teachers to regularly be asking themselves and pupils how they can make learning better.
  • To support strong leadership at all levels by providing leadership training for pupils and staff
  • To deliver excellent lessons in all classes.
  • To develop our curriculum so it provides appropriate opportunities for developing the skills identified in our School Leaver Profile
  • To develop our school day and curriculum so every pupil is better known and better supported
  • To create more opportunities for pupil voice, pupil activism and a rights-based approach
  • To implement strategies that support and improve attainment at all levels

Our School Values are:

Our vision for the skills, opportunities and experiences we want to provide young people with at Aboyne Academy are defined in our School Leaver Profile. This was created during  session 2022/2023 with extensive consultation and input from our pupils, parents, staff and partners. We are proud of it and feel it reflects our unique community. We use this to inform our teaching, learning and assessment. In session 2023/2024 pupils have spent time working with a graphic  designer on the graphical representation of this document. Our School Leaver Profile will be launched in the summer term of 2024.